How to Grow Your LinkedIn Network

How to Grow Your LinkedIn Network - LinkedIn for business

Building a LinkedIn network is more than just clicking ‘Connect’ — it's about fostering meaningful relationships that fuel your business’s growth.

For small businesses, sole traders, and professionals a LinkedIn profile may suffice. So for this article, I will focus on how to grow your networks with a LinkedIn profile. However, as your business grows, the benefits of a company page may become more significant.

Understanding LinkedIn’s Connection Levels

You might have noticed that when you're scrolling through your LinkedIn feed, you often see "1st," "2nd," or "3rd" next to people's names. These are the LinkedIn connection levels.

First-level connections are people you are directly connected to, these could be colleagues, friends, or clients. Second-level connections are people who are connected to your first-level connections, but not directly to you. Third-level connections are people connected to your second-level connections.

Why Does This Matter?

One of the key advantages of the LinkedIn algorithm is that it is designed to help you grow your professional network.

Generally speaking, your LinkedIn feed is primarily influenced by your first-level connections. However, unlike other platforms, LinkedIn's connection system allows you to reach people beyond your immediate network.

When one of your first-level contacts interacts with someone who isn’t directly connected to you then that person's content may show up in your feed. Similarly, if you share a post and one of your first-level connections comments on it, your content could appear in the feed of someone you're not directly connected with. This is why it’s important to be conscious of what you say on the platform.

Connecting with New People

One of the easiest ways to grow your LinkedIn network is to connect with people you already know. Start by connecting with current and former colleagues, clients, and alumni from your school or university. When sending connection requests, personalise your message and remind them how you know each other.

To start building your network, go to the "My Network" tab on LinkedIn. Here, you’ll find invitations from people who want to connect and suggestions for people you might like to connect to.

New connections matter, because when you initially connect with someone your content will start showing up in their feed. If this connection continues to engage with your content regularly, then LinkedIn will push it out to a wider audience. That’s why it’s crucial to interact with the content of new connections and to encourage them to do the same for you.

Grow Your Network Strategically

The LinkedIn search function is a useful tool, if you want to target a specific industry. You can use this to search for a specific industry and filter by location and connection level. From there, you can review people’s profiles and send personalised connection requests.

I recommend taking a moment to view the person’s profile before you send a connection request. This will help you decide if this is someone you want to connect with or follow.

When reviewing someone's profile look for mutual interests so you can start a conversation and find a common connection. This could be asking them questions about their business, or recommending a networking event, good book, or podcast you think they might like. When it feels right, you can invite this connection to meet in person.

Another great place to grow your LinkedIn network is at conferences and face-to-face networking events, like LinkedIn Local. When you meet someone in person follow them up with a connection request and a message expressing how you enjoyed meeting them. Then you can continue to build on the relationship.

Learn how to use LinkedIn with confidence so you can successfully grow your business by signing up to my LinkedIn Learners Lab or Group Coaching Programme. Get in touch to find out more ways I can help you build your professional presence.


