Becoming a Thought-Leader on LinkedIn | LinkedIn for Business

LinkedIn has gone from a boring recruitment tool to a dynamic space where you can build professional relationships, showcase your expertise, and create opportunities that work for you.
It’s a great platform for business owners, entrepreneurs, and employees to build their personal and professional brand, and establish themselves as thought leaders.
But what is a thought leader?
Thought leaders share expert insights and unique perspectives by posting engaging, thought-provoking content. They engage in meaningful discussions and establish themselves as a trusted authority in their field, enhancing their visibility.
How To Become a Thought-Leader on LinkedIn | LinkedIn for Business
Overcoming the Fear
By building your personal brand, you can open up opportunities for growth further down the road that you may not have realised are possible.
For example, when I first started sharing content regularly, it helped me gain a lot of visibility and before I knew it, I was being asked by industry groups to run workshops and speak and present at different events.
Often, I come across business owners and entrepreneurs who have shared that they struggle with posting on LinkedIn because it can feel like baring their soul to the world. Putting your opinions out in the public sphere can be intimidating.
I have struggled with this same issue with my business. I don’t love being so visible. However, when I’m struggling, I think about my ideal client and the people I want to work with.
How can I be helpful for them? How can my content provide them with value? How can I help solve their problems?
At the end of the day, the most important thing is to think about your target audience and speak to them, and just be yourself.
Creating Engaging Content
When establishing yourself as a thought leader, it can be helpful to think about the lessons you’ve learned in your career. What mistakes have you made that others can learn from? What will resonate with people?
That’s the type of content that will keep you front of mind when it comes time to buy your product or service.
Step back and visualise your target audience before you write that post. This will help make your posts more personal and more likely to connect with people.
Build a Content Strategy
For many business owners coming up with the content is the hardest part.
I recommend taking advantage of the days when the juices are flowing. The days when you’re feeling creative and productive.
If you get an idea for a post, write it down. You might be driving down the road, lying in bed, out shopping, and have an idea. Open up your notepad or app on your phone and jot it down.
When you see something of relevance, take a picture of it and store it in a LinkedIn folder on your phone. It might be two or three weeks before you use it, but saving it means you have it ready when you need it.
I also recommend building pillars for your content. For example, you might have a pillar that showcases your personality, an industry pillar, a value pillar, and a thought leadership pillar.
Becoming a Thought-Leader
If you do just one thing on LinkedIn, make it regularly commenting on other people’s posts.
The LinkedIn algorithm loves this. If you spend 10 minutes a day commenting you should start to see more visibility on your profile.
You can comment on content from people who are like-minded and doing similar work to you, or people in an industry where you want to gain visibility.
Create a targeted list of people you wish to engage with regularly. This can help you be intentional with your comments and focus on building relationships with the most relevant leads.
How Can I Help Transform Your LinkedIn?
My LinkedIn for Thought Leaders programme is designed to help you become more active in interacting with the content of others, which is a great first step in enhancing your LinkedIn visibility. Here’s how.
- Profile Makeover: We’ll update everything from your banner to About section so you can stand out.
- Custom LinkedIn About Section: I’ll interview you and provide three versions of your About section using my AI tool, plus 10 headline options to make it super easy for you to choose the best fit.
- Content Strategy Roadmap: You’ll create your own roadmap for LinkedIn content and strategy, with my guidance, so you can grow your network the right way and stay consistent.
- Weekly Group Training: New LinkedIn strategies each week, all recorded so you won’t miss a thing.
- Weekly Co-working Sessions: Time dedicated to working on your profile, content, and networking, with me there to help you stay on track.
- One-on-One Support: You’ll finish with a 30-minute 1:1 session with me to fine-tune everything.
By the end of the program, you’ll feel confident using LinkedIn, with a plan to grow your network and make meaningful connections.
You’ll be visible and strategic, with people noticing your presence and commenting on how you’re showing up.
You’ll head into 2025 with a clear content strategy and the confidence to execute it consistently.
Want to learn more? Learn how to use LinkedIn with confidence so you can successfully grow your business. Get in touch to find out how I can help you build your professional presence.